Best of...


This page collect all the best messages of the Madredeus' fans. They are messages left on the messageboard, on the guestbook, or sent to the various mailing lists that talks about Madredeus.
I have chosen them on the basis of the emotional value. In all of these messages the writers wrote about their feelings, their state of mind, with their own styles, their own passion. I am really proud to present you this page as a jewel.


Marco Ortega

Comments : Sometimes, our words have a simple proposal: to say something. No more. Our souls ask it for. No matter if somebody listen or read them. The bird does not sing because he wants to be listened by somebody, he only sings because he has a song to give. No more, simple. Now my words are like bird's song.
Just tell that Madredeus is pure music, music that has conquered my soul. My mind is full of ideas, all of them clear, thanks to Madredeus' music. And to Teresa, what to say?.... A woman, the most sublimate word for men. Without women, men can't survive. When Teresa sings, she represents the image of the perfect woman, her voice, her tenderness. In her gestures and expression we can see the sweet way manners that women have. The love that they have to acclaim more love. I can see in her, all the women I love, because she makes me remember them with the love that she sprinkles in each movement, in each word, in each sight, in each breath. She moves me to write this. I don't write as well as many others.
My words are not said to be listened or read. That's not my proposal. My words are said because they have to be said.
Thank you Madredeus.

Wednesday April 21th 10:42 (message in the messageboard)

Alexandre e Mônica

Comments: Diziam nossos antepassados que na música anjos ganhavam asas a cada nova nota criada pelo homem. Quanto escuto Madredeus acredito que ganhamos um novo céu, cheio de vida e iluminado pela graça desses portugueses.

Um grande fã

Our ancestors said that, in music, angels gained wings with every new note created by men. When I listen to Madredeus I believe that we gain a new sky, full of life and enlightened by the grace of these portugueses.

A great fan

Wednesday April 21st 1999 00:42:30 (message in the mailing list)

Robertson Frizero Barros

Comments: "...And there was a man who used to take notes of all his dreams. He had that strange habit of taking a little notebook and a pencil every time he had a fantastic vision, or even a magnificent idea, or even a simple, ordinary eyed-open dream... And he enjoyed writing all the words and images and descriptions he could remember from every single dream he had in his life. And he was truly proud of it. He was so proud that one day he felt that the air were getting hard to breathe in his elder body, and decided to give to his grandson his precious book of dreams. The little boy got that strange and old notebook, read a couple of pages, shook it, looked it once more, and then gave his grandfather's gift back to its owner. The old man looked at the child with sad eyes, and asked him: "What is the problem, my dear boy, my son, didn't you like my book of dreams?" The little boy looked at him with tender and comprehensive eyes, and simply said to
his astonished grandfather: "Sorry, grandpa, but I think you gave me the wrong book, then. This one has only words written on it, and not even a single dream. If you put your dreams in this book, I am afraid
they are all dead now..." The old man listened to those wise words and cried for those dreams he made useless by writing down instead of living them..." (Robertson Frizero Barros)
Madredeus' music came to me as those wise words from that little boy... words that ask me to live my feelings and never hide it, to make my life really useful by living it day by day, to love people by loving me first. Madredeus' music has this power of making us meet ourselves...

Thursday April 15th 1999 08:06:31  (message in the messageboard)

Marco Ortega

Comments: If Madredeus were a webpage they would be this page... If Teresa were words, she would be these words... If anyone can describe with words all the beauty of Teresa and the music of Madredeus, that  are you. Keep like this and perhaps you will be able to describe the colours to a blind person...I only can describe Teresa as the woman...... and Madredeus as the music...

Thursday March 4th  1999  11:01  (message in the guestbook)

Esther Gomes

Comments: It is a day of rain, cold Dutch rain in the sky, a little bit of rain in my heart. That is alright. I love to feel, even the hurting feelings.. When you hurt a little, you know it matters. Even cold rain from a dark sky can be sort of nice to come trough. To feel the elements, the cold of your feet the tintling of your ears. The warmth that surrounds you like an embrace when you come inside. There is no wheel without the emptiness between the spikes..No warmth without cold, no embrace without being left on your one..One of the things that make Madredeus profound is the way in which they allow all the feelings to be there: the sun and the moon, the sea and the land, the sadness and the happiness. They do not lie about life, but make it more true though..It makes you feel, see it is good, afterall..

Friday February 26th 1999 04:39:29 (message in the messageboard)

Sérgio Freitas

Comments: The dream can appear. I see a ray of light, of hope, the sounds of the sky, a window and a mirror. The window of my dreams, the mirror of my soul - my feelings reflected in the sea. I want this
mighty shine, I need to fly through my emotions. I keep on me, the wings of Madredeus songs.

Saturday February 20th 1999 05:00:12 (message in the messageboard)


Madredeus - O Porto

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